Visual Communication; significant solutions
Simbionte offers high quality graphic design services, prioritizing objectives and functionality.
When we speak about solutions, we speak about problem resolution. Identifying them is the first task of the designer.
It’ll be evident in some cases, like for example: a new brand scenario needing identity. But in many others, printing a ton of flyers may not be the answer; it might be another media or another approach.
It’s done through analysis of the proper enterprise, product or service, and it’s target client and respective circumstantial facts.
Only then, the objectives can be set. And from that point on, the different paths to be considered.
Follow this link to know more about the procedure.
Before hiring a designer
Even though design has been around for a long, long time, it’s still misinterpreted in it’s core.
To get the most out of it, it’s crucial to understand the role that plays the designer and the design itself.
Designer ≠ Software operator
The scalpel doesn't make the surgeon
Rather, their knowledge in the field.
The same happens in design; the use of tools represents only a small percentage regarding the execution.
Designers are trained in the field of communication, intrinsically linked to advertising and marketing. They will do a good job elaborating the “what and how” in the identity of your brand, product, campaign slogan and descriptive texts.
Why make decisions without experience in the field when you can do it in conjunction with an expert in image rhetoric, semiotics, linguistic and cognitive semantics, and Gestalt psychology?
Communicators are trained for so much more than using graphic software, take advantage of it.
Personal preference
Design is functional
Each decision has it's fundaments.
It might seem hard, but when aiming for project objectives the ideal thing to do is to put the personal preferences aside and focus in the function of each element and the “why” of it’s qualities.
In order to achieve good results is required an asociation between the designer and the client in which each one contributes according to his expertise area. This way, through coherent arguments and criteria, good results are imminent.
Design as investment
Design is not a cost...'s an investment as important as the quality of the product or service in question.
Sometimes, design is the product itself and it’s relevance is evident, but it’s always a good thing to consider the following:
We judge things for their appareance, in the first place. Then we evaluate based on experience and quality-cost relationship, but we won’t get to this point if we dont approve the first filter. This applies to a product as much as to a store or advertising element.
That said, it’s not only about making a product prettier; it’s about delivering the right message within it’s context. And the message differs for each project; in each case, we’ll design to fulfill it’s own objectives.

Visual Identity Redesign for Global Target
Visual Identity | Editorial | Promotional | UI Design

Branding and music video for Munknörr
Visual Identity | Digital Art | Product | UI Design

Art & design for Vanello’s album Planet Synth
Digital Art | Product | UI Design
For more projects, visit the portfolio page